Q & A

Q: Is this blog based on a real person? Is it one person or a composite of several people?

It is about one troubled individual residing in L.A. who is obsessed with George Clooney.  The person posts hundreds of messages daily on sites under multiple user names deliberately to mask her identity.  She wants readers to think there are multiple people who may be her. Why? To provoke, insult or persuade other posters? We don't know.

Q: Why write about this?

This blog is ultimately part social commentary and part case study on human behavior.
It came about after a group discussion on how blown away we (the creators) are by the increasing number of people that have no grip on reality, are obsessed with things that are not real, the lengths to which they'll go to get close to a celebrity or to have their own 15 minutes of fame, and the rapid societal shift in what is considered civil behavior.

As a result of encounters with our subject (the obsessive celebrity stalker mentioned here) AND the fact that we discovered SO MANY MORE battling it out online, the blog was published as both a statement, and as an attempt to analyze many unanswered questions.

Q: What "questions" are there to be analyzed?

The biggest question we all have is WHY. Why spend 24 hours a day, 7 days a week obsessing, following, harassing or cyber-stalking someone you do not know, who does not know you, with whom you have no chance of forming a relationship?

By nature, we are all “fans” of something or someone.  We may appreciate the work of celebrities we admire and go as far as collecting items, memorabilia or trivia related to that person. But most people stop there.

So what drives someone to cross over the line of being an avid fan to an obsessed stalker, living in this whole other world they created for themselves around another human being who doesn't know they exist?

The most probable cause might that the person is obsessive to begin with, or literally has obsessive personality disorder or is mentally ill.   Many people with these illnesses have problems living in reality or -- put another way -- have problems accepting that their reality is not another person's reality.

In the same way that one person cannot accept the fact that a relationship is over, for example, or that another person doesn't reciprocate their feelings, the stalker can't accept that there is no real connection between him or her and the famous object of affection.

The role the media plays in our daily lives seems only to adversely affect the behavior of these lost souls. Twenty-four hour coverage of celebrities, minute-by-minute gossip, over-bearing paparazzi and increasing acceptance of tabloid rag-mag reports as authentic "news" has further blurred the boundaries of behavior people consider acceptable.  News used to be about what we needed to know or had the right to know.  Do we really need to know (or care about) some of this stuff? Was it really necessary to chase Brittney Spears' ambulance down the street while filming, or ride into the garage on the hood of the "Octomom's" car with a camera to get "good" footage? Come on.

Because we are overloaded on a minute-by-minute basis with sensationalized, drama-based sound bytes, "the obsessed" are less likely to see their menacing behavior as inappropriate or threatening.

Throw in the bad behavior featured on popular, staged "reality" television shows and there you have it -- more and more people not being able to differentiate between what is real and what is not; more and more unstable people on risky quests to become famous; more and more people addicted to drama.

Enter the internet, social networking and online interactive tools. What started out as a good thing is now just irritating. Why is it necessary to tweet to an unknown audience that "Jimmy was seen at Starbucks?" And no one can make a move, write an article or breathe a word without several thousand people needing to "comment" on it.

All of this useless information, combined with the anonymity of the internet was only bound to result in an over-abundance of rude, provoking online users we call "board trolls" -- most of which are obsessive, stalker personality types. Right now as I write this, there are several online arguing about meaningless topics, INCLUDING the stalker's identity. Again -- these people are living in their own little worlds and need to get lives.

This behavior ties in with the need many unbalanced people have for attention and control. Perhaps they never got the appropriate levels of attention or personal connections they needed in the past. Maybe they're loners who only feel validated by going completely over the top and getting attention in negative ways. Or possibly they feel someone has slighted them ignored them.  There is also the thrill of seeking revenge.

Whatever the reason, it is almost guaranteed we'll be seeing more and more cases like Jones.

Q: Why can't readers post to this blog?

We have disabled posting for the exact reasons mentioned above. The goal is to deliver clear, concise information without it being misrepresented, twisted or hijacked by board trolls, the obsessed and the insane.